Monday, July 14, 2008

The end of camp season.... for a while....

Thank you so much for praying for our summer camp schedule! The Lord blessed every aspect of camp - from the people who came from the States to the weather and attendance. We have 150 information cards to follow-up on. We are really excited about the contacts we made with the children as well as with their parents. This year at the end of camp concert/celebration award's ceremonies, we had most of our campers attend and many of their parents. We held these meetings at the Baptist church we attend. We were very pleased with the turn outs. It is very difficult to get the average person to come into a Baptist church building. They not only came, but sat through our service and many of them said they would gladly send their children to any functions that our church had. What a wonderful start! Please pray for us to have wisdom and creativity as we follow-up on the hard work of our American short term teams. We have lots of contacts -our prayer is that many of them would turn into "converts" :).

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